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Success in the New Light: PH’s top awards company brand relaunch

Updated: Sep 26, 2023

By Jennallyssa Marie Eligino

The Philippine awards industry is welcoming a new era as we introduce the winner among winners— Awards Central Philippines!

Along with this is the new look of triumph through the spotlight, manifested in its luminosity beaming towards the outstanding winners and world-class awards.

This time it's not the spotlight's harsh glare, but the soft glow reflecting what actually matters: your success story. And we're here to listen to that and become your loudest cheerer.

Be with us as we strive to be more than what we already are. As the Philippines’ top awards manufacturer, we're taking a bigger step as we bring the golden key to a more artistic and innovative version of awarding events.

We're at the front seat— ever-present during your award-winning moments while our artistically crafted recognition awards are presented.

This relaunch is a hail to what's yet to come, a farewell to what's already gone, and an applaud to what has been accomplished.

Feel your win with our #ForTheWin trophies, statuettes, plaques, and medals. Connect with us here.


Jennallyssa Marie Eligino is a film enthusiast, in-the-loop content strategist, and a creative writer with a knack of weaving current trends with pop culture references.



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